Major expansion Prospects in 2022

The tenth edition of Prospects, the exhibition of the Mondriaan Fund, shows work by all artists who recently received a contribution towards the start of their professional practice. New this year is the extension of Prospects to the Expedition Building, which is located directly opposite the entrance to Art Rotterdam. 88 visual artists will take part in Prospects. The exhibition is curated for the third time by experienced guest curator Johan Gustavsson, in collaboration with Gabija Seiliute.
Participating artists
Waèl el Allouche, Cindy Bakker, Cedric ter Bals, Marwan Bassiouni, Sophie Bates, Simon Becks, Sjef van Beers, Asgerdur Birna Bjornsdottir, Irene de Boer, Wiosna van Bon, Suzette Bousema, Wiebe Bouwsema, Anna Bravo Pérez, Leon de Bruijne, Ryan Cherewaty, Robin Alysha Clemens, Angelo Custodio, Anders Dickson, Daniel Dmyszewicz, Jurjen Galema, Andrés García Vidal, Elena Giolo, Esmay Groot Koerkamp, Sarah Rose Guitian Nederlof, Gijsje Heemskerk, Laurence Henriquez, Marta Hryniuk, Rosalynn van Hummel, Danae Io, Karlijn Janssen, Honey Jones-Hughes, Lotte Louise de Jong, Maureen Jonker, Sonia Kazovsky, Minne Kersten, Susanne Khalil Yusef, Julia Kiryanova, Bin Koh, Anne Kranenborg, Sarah Ksieska, Tarona Leonora, Nazif Lopulissa (Nasbami), Florence Marceau-Lafleur, Sjoerd Martens, Donglai Meng, Salvador Miranda, Ruben Mols, Rossella Nisio, David Noro, Evi Olde Rikkert, Tjitske Oosterholt, Ana Oosting, Anastasija Pandilovska, Natalia Papaeva, Alice Reis, Flora Reznik, Thom van Rijckevorsel, Duncan Robertson, Victor Santamarina, Joana Schneider, Simone Schuffelen, Hans Schuttenbeld, Miriam Sentler, Mirre Yayla Séur, Katerina Sidorova, Ghita Skali, Kateryna Snizhko, Machiel van Stokkum, Jonathan Straatman, Cécile Tafanelli, Michiel Ubels, Piotr Urbaniec, RJM (Robin) van der Heijden, Luciënne Venner, Lara Verheijden, Jeanine Verloop, Philip Vermeulen, Raquel Vermunt, Wessel Verrijt, Roosje Verschoor, Arian Vette, Majda Vidakovic, Marit Westerhuis, Bente Wilms, Joeri Woudstra, Iris Woutera de Jong, Bernardo Zanotta, Valerie van Zuijlen, Zindzi Zwietering.