Registration FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions 
Art Rotterdam 202

[Registration] I try to register, but the form gives me an error
It is likely that you already registered for this section with this e-mail address. To avoid confusion, we allow only one registration per section per e-mail address. If you made a mistake in your registration, please contact us, and we’ll change your registration. 

[Registration] I made an error in my registration
Please let us know by e-mail, and we’ll fix your registration. 

What should I do after I register?
We will send you a confirmation e-mail with an overview of your registration details. In this mail we will also request you to upload the required presentation material to our Art Rotterdam Wetransfer channel. These requests will be direct links that will automatically fill in your registration number and required materials, so all you have to do is browse to the correct files and upload them.

[Projections] How do I send the proposal?
Please send us your proposal via email to The proposal should contain the following items;

If you need any help uploading these files feel free to contact us by mail: The Art Rotterdam team can also convert and upload your video, service fee: € 90,-

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