Outdoor works at the Van Nelle Fabriek

In front of the entrance to the Van Nelle Fabriek and elsewhere on the premises, Art Rotterdam is presenting a spectacular collection of large-scale outdoor works of art. One of them is Studio Dré Wapenaar's Tentendorp-Herzien, a work that combines architecture, design and visual arts. There are four modules that are arranged on, under, next to and in front of each other. The tallest tent is erected on a four-metre-high platform next to a two-metre-high an 'air pit' and the lower tent has a 'seating pit' inside. Together they create the appearance of a village in which people are connected in every possible way. Galerie Nest is presenting the works RADIATE ||&||| (EVIAN CHRIST) by Joeri Woudstra. The two crosses, made of speakers and stroboscopes, are part of a larger performance and installation series and play a pre-programmed light and sound composition. Atelier Van Lieshout is presenting a giant vulture with the title Vulture on the outdoor grounds. The vulture may not be the noblest bird in the animal kingdom, but is resourceful and tenacious all the same. A true survivor that Van Lieshout describes with a touch of irony as not so different from the artist himself. This is the first time that this functional sculpture can be seen in the Netherlands. Willem Besselink (NL=US Art) is fascinated by visible and invisible structures and patterns in the world around us. His sculpture Doorzicht (Perspective) presents a possible visualisation of the many existing structures. Prospects is displaying the work of multiple artists, including Sanne van Balen and Cecilia Bjartmar Hylta. Sanne van Balen's Stem is a 3D interpretation of a painted landscape to which she assigns linguistic meaning. Cecilia Bjartmar Hylta is responsible for the sitespecific outdoor work Untitled (Dust), built from the dust she collected at the Van Nelle Fabriek.